156 Results
  • wú xiá無暇 〔无-〕

    1. too busy
    2. to have no time for
    3. fully occupied
  • 1. squad of five soldiers
    2. to associate with
    3. five (banker's anti-fraud numeral)
  • Xià cháo夏朝

    1. Xia Dynasty (2070-1600 BC)
  • zuò wù作物

    1. crop
  • gé xià閣下 〔阁-〕

    1. your distinguished self
    2. your majesty
    3. sire
  • xiá xiǎng遐想

    1. reverie
    2. daydream
    3. to be lost in wild and fanciful thoughts
  • xiá cháng狹長 〔狭长〕

    1. long and narrow
  • xiá yì狹義 〔狭义〕

    1. narrow sense
    2. restricted sense
  • xià hu嚇唬 〔吓-〕

    1. to scare
    2. to frighten
  • xià fēng下風 〔-风〕

    1. leeward
    2. downwind
    3. disadvantageous position
    4. to concede or give way in an argument
  • xià zǎi / xià zài下載 〔-载〕

    1. to download
    2. also pr. [xià zài]
  • xià zhào下詔 〔-诏〕

    1. to hand down an imperial edict
  • xià zàng下葬

    1. to bury
    2. to inter
  • xià jí下級 〔-级〕

    1. low ranking
    2. low level
    3. underclass
    4. subordinate
  • xià bǐ下筆 〔-笔〕

    1. to put pen to paper
  • xià hǎi下海

    1. to go out to sea
    2. to enter the sea (to swim etc)
    3. (fig.) to take the plunge (e.g. leave a secure job, or enter prostitution etc)
  • xià chén下沉

    1. to sink down
  • xià tà下榻

    1. to stay (at a hotel etc during a trip)
  • xià chú下廚 〔-厨〕

    1. to go to the kitchen (to prepare a meal)
    2. to cook
  • xià fán下凡

    1. to descend to the world (of immortals)
  • bì xià陛下

    1. Your Majesty
    2. His or Her Majesty
  • huī xià麾下

    1. troops
    2. subordinates
    3. (honorific appellation for a general)
  • tuì xià退下

    1. to retire
    2. to withdraw
    3. to retreat
    4. to step down
  • xī xià膝下

    1. at the knee (in reference to children)
    2. (salutation used in letters to parents or grandparents)
  • míng xià名下

    1. under sb's name
  • xià gōng fu下功夫

    1. see 下工夫[xià gōng fu]
  • wǔ shì武士

    1. warrior
    2. samurai
  • wū hū嗚呼 〔呜-〕

    1. alas
    2. alack
    3. welladay
    4. wellaway
    5. to die
  • tuì wǔ退伍

    1. to be discharged from military service
  • duì zhèng xià yào對症下藥 〔对症下药〕

    1. lit. to prescribe the right medicine for an illness (idiom)
    2. fig. to study a problem to find the right way to solve it
    3. to take appropriate steps
  • yīng wǔ鸚鵡 〔鹦鹉〕

    1. parrot
  • wù qì霧氣 〔雾气〕

    1. fog
    2. mist
    3. vapor
  • wù chā誤差 〔误-〕

    1. difference
    2. error
    3. inaccuracy
  • wū xiàn誣陷 〔诬-〕

    1. to entrap
    2. to frame
    3. to plant false evidence against sb
  • wǔ bù舞步

    1. dance steps
  • tè wu特務 〔-务〕

    1. special assignment (military)
    2. special agent
    3. operative
    4. spy
  • wù sè物色

    1. to look for
    2. to seek out
    3. to choose
  • wú liàng無量 〔无-〕

    1. measureless
    2. immeasurable
  • wú xié無邪 〔无-〕

    1. without guilt
  • wú lài無賴 〔无赖〕

    1. hoodlum
    2. rascal
    3. rogue
    4. rascally
    5. scoundrelly
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