157 Results
  • wǔ xiá武俠 〔-侠〕

    1. martial arts chivalry (Chinese literary, theatrical and cinema genre)
    2. knight-errant
  • 1. down
    2. downwards
    3. below
    4. lower
    5. later
    6. next (week etc)
    7. second (of two parts)
    8. to decline
    9. to go down
    10. to arrive at (a decision, conclusion etc)
    11. measure word to show the frequency of an action
  • 1. summer
  • 1. not to have
    2. no
    3. none
    4. not
    5. to lack
    6. un-
    7. -less
  • xià嚇 〔吓〕

    1. to frighten
    2. to scare
  • xiā蝦 〔虾〕

    1. shrimp
    2. prawn
  • Xià

    1. the Xia or Hsia dynasty c. 2000 BC
    2. Xia of the Sixteen Kingdoms (407-432)
    3. surname Xia
  • xiā

    1. blind
    2. groundlessly
    3. foolishly
    4. to no purpose
  • 1. to dance
    2. to wield
    3. to brandish
  • 烏 〔乌〕

    1. abbr. for Ukraine 烏克蘭|乌克兰[Wū kè lán]
    2. surname Wu
  • 1. surname Wu
  • 1. Japanese variant of 吳|吴[Wú]
  • 1. surname Wu
  • 吳 〔吴〕

    1. surname Wu
    2. area comprising southern Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang and Shanghai
    3. name of states in Southern China at different historical periods
  • xiá轄 〔辖〕

    1. linchpin (used to fasten a wheel to an axle)
    2. (bound form) to govern
    3. to have jurisdiction over
  • xiá狹 〔狭〕

    1. narrow
    2. narrow-minded
  • xiá

    1. leisure
  • xiá峽 〔峡〕

    1. gorge
  • 霧 〔雾〕

    1. fog
    2. mist
    3. CL:場|场[cháng],陣|阵[zhèn]
  • 1. (old) I
    2. my
  • 誤 〔误〕

    1. mistake
    2. error
    3. to miss
    4. to harm
    5. to delay
    6. to neglect
    7. mistakenly
  • 1. thing
    2. object
    3. matter
    4. abbr. for physics 物理
  • 烏 〔乌〕

    1. crow
    2. black
  • 1. dirty
    2. filthy
    3. foul
    4. corrupt
    5. to smear
    6. to defile
    7. dirt
    8. filth
  • 汚 〔污〕

    1. variant of 污[wū]
  • 1. variant of 污
    2. dirty
    3. filthy
    4. foul
    5. corrupt
    6. to smear
    7. to defile
    8. dirt
    9. filth
  • 1. martial
    2. military
  • 惡 〔恶〕

    1. to hate
    2. to loathe
    3. ashamed
    4. to fear
    5. to slander
  • 1. to comprehend
    2. to apprehend
    3. to become aware
  • 1. (bound form) house
    2. (bound form) room
  • 1. 7th earthly branch: 11 a.m.-1 p.m., noon, 5th solar month (6th June-6th July), year of the Horse
    2. ancient Chinese compass point: 180° (south)
  • 務 〔务〕

    1. affair
    2. business
    3. matter
    4. to be engaged in
    5. to attend to
    6. by all means
  • 1. to insult
    2. to ridicule
    3. to disgrace
  • 1. in a short while
    2. all at once
    3. all of a sudden
  • wú fǎ / wú fà無法 〔无-〕

    1. unable
    2. incapable
  • wū zi屋子

    1. house
    2. room
    3. CL:間|间[jiān]
  • 1. food
    2. CL:種|种[zhǒng]
  • fú wù服務 〔-务〕

    1. to serve
    2. service
    3. CL:項|项[xiàng]
  • jiē xià lái接下來 〔-来〕

    1. to accept
    2. to take
    3. next
    4. following
  • shèng xià剩下

    1. to remain
    2. left over
  • tiān xià天下

    1. land under heaven
    2. the whole world
    3. the whole of China
    4. realm
    5. rule
  • fàng xià放下

    1. to lay down
    2. to put down
    3. to let go of
    4. to relinquish
    5. to set aside
    6. to lower (the blinds etc)
  • wú lùn無論 〔无论〕

    1. no matter what or how
    2. regardless of whether...
  • rèn wu任務 〔-务〕

    1. mission
    2. assignment
    3. task
    4. duty
    5. role
    6. CL:項|项[xiàng],個|个[gè]
  • cuò wù錯誤 〔错误〕

    1. mistaken
    2. false
    3. wrong
    4. error
    5. mistake
    6. CL:個|个[gè]
  • dāng xià當下 〔当-〕

    1. immediately
    2. at once
    3. at that moment
    4. at the moment
  • xiā zi蝦子 〔虾-〕

    1. shrimp
  • wū dǐng屋頂 〔-顶〕

    1. roof
    2. CL:個|个[gè]
  • xià qí下棋

    1. to play chess
  • yè wù業務 〔业务〕

    1. business
    2. professional work
    3. service
    4. CL:項|项[xiàng]
  • xià yī tiào嚇一跳 〔吓-〕
    1. startled
    2. to frighten
    3. scared out of one's skin
  • bó wù guǎn博物館 〔-馆〕

    1. museum
  • xià yóu下游

    1. lower reaches (of a river)
    2. lower level
    3. lower echelon
    4. downstream
  • dì xià shì地下室

    1. basement
    2. cellar
  • gòu wù購物 〔购-〕

    1. shopping
  • xiá zhǎi狹窄 〔狭-〕

    1. narrow
  • xià shǒu下手

    1. to start
    2. to put one's hand to
    3. to set about
    4. the seat to the right of the main guest
  • xiā mǐ蝦米 〔虾-〕

    1. small shrimp
    2. dried, shelled shrimps
    3. (Tw) (coll.) what (from Taiwanese 啥物, Tai-lo pr. [siánn-mih], equivalent to Mandarin 什麼|什么[shén me])
  • xiá cī瑕疵

    1. blemish
    2. flaw
    3. defect
  • xiá ài狹隘 〔狭-〕

    1. narrow
    2. tight
    3. narrow minded
    4. lacking in experience
  • xiá xiǎo狹小 〔狭-〕

    1. narrow
  • xiá gǔ峽谷 〔峡-〕

    1. canyon
    2. gill
    3. ravine
  • xià huài嚇壞 〔吓坏〕

    1. to be terrified
    2. to terrify sb
  • xià dá下達 〔-达〕

    1. to transmit to lower levels
    2. to issue (a command, decree etc)
  • xià luò下落

    1. whereabouts
    2. to drop
    3. to fall
  • xià huá下滑

    1. to slide down (a slope etc)
    2. (fig.) to decline
  • xià liú下流

    1. lower course of a river
    2. low-class
    3. mean and lowly
    4. vulgar
    5. obscene
  • xià dú下毒

    1. to put poison in sth
    2. to poison
  • xià shǔ下屬 〔-属〕

    1. subordinate
    2. underling
  • wù zī物資 〔-资〕

    1. goods
    2. supplies
  • wū guī烏龜 〔乌龟〕

    1. tortoise
    2. cuckold
  • wù zhǒng物種 〔-种〕

    1. species
  • jīng xià驚嚇 〔惊吓〕

    1. to frighten
    2. to horrify
    3. to terrify
  • bǐ xià筆下 〔笔-〕

    1. the wording and purport of what one writes
  • wù diǎn誤點 〔误点〕

    1. not on time
    2. late (public transport, airlines)
    3. overdue
    4. behind schedule
    5. delayed
  • wú nài無奈 〔无-〕

    1. to have no alternative
    2. frustrated
    3. exasperated
    4. helpless
    5. (conjunction) but unfortunately
  • gāo xià高下

    1. relative superiority (better or worse, stronger or weaker, above or below etc)
  • xián xiá閒暇 〔闲-〕

    1. leisure
  • bù xià部下

    1. troops under one's command
    2. subordinate
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