4143 Results
  • xià wǔ下午

    1. afternoon
    2. CL:個|个[gè]
    3. p.m.
  • Wū Xiá巫峽 〔-峡〕

    1. Wuxia Gorge on the Changjiang or Yangtze, the middle of the Three Gorges 三峽|三峡[Sān Xiá]
  • Wú xiā mǐ嘸蝦米 〔呒虾-〕
    1. Boshiamy, input method editor for Chinese (from Taiwanese 無啥物, Tai-lo pr. [bô-siánn-mih] "it's nothing")
  • Wú xià ā Méng吳下阿蒙 〔吴-〕

    1. General Lü Meng 呂蒙|吕蒙 of the southern state of Wu (idiom)
    2. model of self-improvement by diligent study (from unlettered soldier to top strategist of Wu)
  • wǔ xiá武俠 〔-侠〕

    1. martial arts chivalry (Chinese literary, theatrical and cinema genre)
    2. knight-errant
  • wú xiá無暇 〔无-〕

    1. too busy
    2. to have no time for
    3. fully occupied
  • wú xiá無瑕 〔无-〕

    1. faultless
    2. perfect
  • Shàng xià Wǔ Qiān nián上下五千年

    1. Tales from 5000 Years of Chinese History in three volumes by Cao Yuzhang 曹餘章|曹余章[Cáo Yú zhāng]
  • xià wǔ chá下午茶
    1. afternoon tea (light afternoon meal, typically pastries with tea or coffee)
  • xià hán wǔ下寒武

    1. lower Cambrian (geological period approx 530 million years ago)
  • wǔ xiá xiǎo shuō武俠小說 〔-侠小说〕

    1. a martial arts (wuxia) novel
  • kuà xià wù胯下物

    1. (slang) male member
    2. package
  • xià hán wǔ tǒng下寒武統 〔-统〕

    1. lower Cambrian series (geological strata from approx 530 million years ago)
  • wú cóng xià shǒu / wú zòng xià shǒu無從下手 〔无从-〕
    1. not know where to start
  • wú dōng wú xià無冬無夏 〔无冬无-〕

    1. regardless of the season
    2. all the year round
  • Sān xiá wǔ yì三俠五義 〔-侠五义〕

    1. Sanxia wuyi (lit. Three knight-errants and five righteous one), novel edited from stories of late Qing dynasty pinghua 評話|评话 master storyteller Shi Yukun 石玉昆
  • rì wú xiá guǐ日無暇晷 〔-无暇晷〕

    1. no time to spare (idiom)
  • bái bì wú xiá白璧無瑕 〔-无瑕〕

    1. impeccable moral integrity
  • jié jìng wú xiá潔淨無瑕 〔洁净无-〕

    1. clean and spotless
  • wén gōng wǔ xià文攻武嚇 〔-吓〕
    1. (of a nation) to denounce and threaten with military force
    2. to try to coerce
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