51 Results
  • 1. squad of five soldiers
    2. to associate with
    3. five (banker's anti-fraud numeral)
  • Xià cháo夏朝

    1. Xia Dynasty (2070-1600 BC)
  • wǔ shì武士

    1. warrior
    2. samurai
  • gé xià閣下 〔阁-〕

    1. your distinguished self
    2. your majesty
    3. sire
  • tuì wǔ退伍

    1. to be discharged from military service
  • yīng wǔ鸚鵡 〔鹦鹉〕

    1. parrot
  • wǔ bù舞步

    1. dance steps
  • wǔ shù武術 〔-术〕

    1. military skill or technique (in former times)
    2. all kinds of martial art sports (some claiming spiritual development)
    3. self-defense
    4. tradition of choreographed fights from opera and film (recent usage)
    5. also called kungfu 功夫
    6. CL:種|种[zhǒng]
  • wǔ lín武林

    1. martial arts (social) circles
  • wǔ duàn武斷 〔-断〕

    1. arbitrary
    2. subjective
    3. dogmatic
  • wǔ jiàng武將 〔-将〕

    1. general
    2. military leader
    3. fierce man
  • xià hu嚇唬 〔吓-〕

    1. to scare
    2. to frighten
  • wǔ jīn五金

    1. metal hardware (nuts and bolts)
    2. the five metals: gold, silver, copper, iron and tin 金銀銅鐵錫|金银铜铁锡[jīn yín tóng tiě xī]
  • wǔ cǎi五彩

    1. five (main) colors (white, black, red, yellow, and blue)
    2. multicolored
  • xià fēng下風 〔-风〕

    1. leeward
    2. downwind
    3. disadvantageous position
    4. to concede or give way in an argument
  • xià zǎi / xià zài下載 〔-载〕

    1. to download
    2. also pr. [xià zài]
  • xià zhào下詔 〔-诏〕

    1. to hand down an imperial edict
  • xià zàng下葬

    1. to bury
    2. to inter
  • xià jí下級 〔-级〕

    1. low ranking
    2. low level
    3. underclass
    4. subordinate
  • xià bǐ下筆 〔-笔〕

    1. to put pen to paper
  • xià hǎi下海

    1. to go out to sea
    2. to enter the sea (to swim etc)
    3. (fig.) to take the plunge (e.g. leave a secure job, or enter prostitution etc)
  • xià chén下沉

    1. to sink down
  • xià tà下榻

    1. to stay (at a hotel etc during a trip)
  • xià chú下廚 〔-厨〕

    1. to go to the kitchen (to prepare a meal)
    2. to cook
  • xià fán下凡

    1. to descend to the world (of immortals)
  • bì xià陛下

    1. Your Majesty
    2. His or Her Majesty
  • huī xià麾下

    1. troops
    2. subordinates
    3. (honorific appellation for a general)
  • tuì xià退下

    1. to retire
    2. to withdraw
    3. to retreat
    4. to step down
  • xī xià膝下

    1. at the knee (in reference to children)
    2. (salutation used in letters to parents or grandparents)
  • wéi wǔ為伍 〔为-〕

    1. to associate with
    2. to keep company with
  • wēi wǔ威武

    1. might
    2. formidable
  • míng xià名下

    1. under sb's name
  • rù wǔ入伍

    1. to enter the army
    2. to enlist
  • xià gōng fu下功夫

    1. see 下工夫[xià gōng fu]
  • wǔ tǐ tóu dì五體投地 〔-体投地〕

    1. to prostrate oneself in admiration (idiom)
    2. to adulate sb
  • wǔ cǎi bīn fēn五彩繽紛 〔-缤纷〕

    1. all the colors in profusion (idiom)
    2. a garish display
  • wǔ guāng shí sè五光十色

    1. bright and multicolored
    2. of rich variety
    3. (fig.) dazzling
    4. glitzy
  • yòng wǔ zhī dì用武之地

    1. ample scope for abilities
    2. favorable position for the use of one's skills (idiom)
  • wén wǔ bǎi guān文武百官

    1. civil and military officials
  • shǒu wǔ zú dǎo / shǒu wǔ zú dào手舞足蹈

    1. lit. to move one's hands and feet about (idiom)
    2. fig. to dance about
    3. to express one's feelings in body language
    4. to gesture animatedly
    5. (TCM) involuntary movements of the limbs
  • zhāng yá wǔ zhǎo張牙舞爪 〔张-〕

    1. to bare fangs and brandish claws (idiom)
    2. to make threatening gestures
  • duì zhèng xià yào對症下藥 〔对症下药〕

    1. lit. to prescribe the right medicine for an illness (idiom)
    2. fig. to study a problem to find the right way to solve it
    3. to take appropriate steps
  • sì fēn wǔ liè四分五裂

    1. all split up and in pieces (idiom)
    2. disunity (in an organization)
    3. complete lack of unity
    4. to disintegrate
    5. falling apart
    6. to be at sixes and sevens
  • huān xīn gǔ wǔ歡欣鼓舞 〔欢-〕

    1. elated and excited (idiom)
    2. overjoyed
  • jiāng hé rì xià江河日下

    1. rivers pour away by the day (idiom)
    2. going from bad to worse
    3. deteriorating day by day
  • měi kuàng yù xià每況愈下 〔-况愈下〕

    1. to steadily deteriorate
  • jí zhuǎn zhí xià急轉直下 〔-转直下〕

    1. to develop rapidly after abrupt turn (idiom)
    2. dramatic change
  • jū gāo lín xià居高臨下 〔-临下〕

    1. lit. to be in a high location, overlooking the scene below (idiom)
    2. fig. to occupy a commanding position
    3. to assume a haughty attitude
  • bù xiāng shàng xià不相上下

    1. equally matched
    2. about the same
  • bù zài huà xià不在話下 〔-话下〕
    1. to be nothing difficult
    2. to be a cinch
  • hěn xīn狠心

    1. callous
    2. heartless
    3. to resolve (to do sth)
    4. firm resolve (as in 下狠心[xià hěn xīn])