51 Results
  • 1. squad of five soldiers
    2. to associate with
    3. five (banker's anti-fraud numeral)
  • Xià cháo夏朝

    1. Xia Dynasty (2070-1600 BC)
  • wǔ shì武士

    1. warrior
    2. samurai
  • gé xià閣下 〔阁-〕

    1. your distinguished self
    2. your majesty
    3. sire
  • tuì wǔ退伍

    1. to be discharged from military service
  • yīng wǔ鸚鵡 〔鹦鹉〕

    1. parrot
  • wǔ bù舞步

    1. dance steps
  • wǔ shù武術 〔-术〕

    1. military skill or technique (in former times)
    2. all kinds of martial art sports (some claiming spiritual development)
    3. self-defense
    4. tradition of choreographed fights from opera and film (recent usage)
    5. also called kungfu 功夫
    6. CL:種|种[zhǒng]
  • wǔ lín武林

    1. martial arts (social) circles
  • wǔ duàn武斷 〔-断〕

    1. arbitrary
    2. subjective
    3. dogmatic
  • wǔ jiàng武將 〔-将〕

    1. general
    2. military leader
    3. fierce man
  • xià hu嚇唬 〔吓-〕

    1. to scare
    2. to frighten
  • wǔ jīn五金

    1. metal hardware (nuts and bolts)
    2. the five metals: gold, silver, copper, iron and tin 金銀銅鐵錫|金银铜铁锡[jīn yín tóng tiě xī]
  • wǔ cǎi五彩

    1. five (main) colors (white, black, red, yellow, and blue)
    2. multicolored
  • xià fēng下風 〔-风〕

    1. leeward
    2. downwind
    3. disadvantageous position
    4. to concede or give way in an argument
  • xià zǎi / xià zài下載 〔-载〕

    1. to download
    2. also pr. [xià zài]
  • xià zhào下詔 〔-诏〕

    1. to hand down an imperial edict
  • xià zàng下葬

    1. to bury
    2. to inter
  • xià jí下級 〔-级〕

    1. low ranking
    2. low level
    3. underclass
    4. subordinate
  • xià bǐ下筆 〔-笔〕

    1. to put pen to paper
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