1594 Results
  • Cáo Yú zhāng曹餘章 〔-余章〕

    1. Cao Yuzhang (1924-1996), modern writer and publisher, author of Tales from 5000 Years of Chinese History 上下五千年[Shàng xià Wǔ Qiān nián]
  • xià wǔ下午

    1. afternoon
    2. CL:個|个[gè]
    3. p.m.
  • xià wǔ chá下午茶
    1. afternoon tea (light afternoon meal, typically pastries with tea or coffee)
  • xià hán wǔ下寒武

    1. lower Cambrian (geological period approx 530 million years ago)
  • xià hán wǔ tǒng下寒武統 〔-统〕

    1. lower Cambrian series (geological strata from approx 530 million years ago)
  • Shàng xià Wǔ Qiān nián上下五千年

    1. Tales from 5000 Years of Chinese History in three volumes by Cao Yuzhang 曹餘章|曹余章[Cáo Yú zhāng]
  • Jiāng xià江夏

    1. Jiangxia district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wǔ hàn shì], Hubei
  • sān xià wǔ chú èr三下五除二

    1. three, set five remove two (abacus rule)
    2. efficiently
    3. quickly and easily
  • wén gōng wǔ xià文攻武嚇 〔-吓〕
    1. (of a nation) to denounce and threaten with military force
    2. to try to coerce
  • Jiāng xià qū江夏區 〔-区〕

    1. Jiangxia district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wǔ hàn shì], Hubei
  • Xià Huáng gōng夏黃公 〔-黄公〕

    1. Xia Huanggong also known as Huang Shigong 黃石公|黄石公[Huáng Shí gōng] (dates of birth and death uncertain), Daoist hermit of the Qin Dynasty 秦代[Qín dài] and purported author of “Three Strategies of Huang Shigong” 黃石公三略|黄石公三略[Huáng Shí gōng Sān lüè], one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wǔ jīng Qī shū]
  • 1. down
    2. downwards
    3. below
    4. lower
    5. later
    6. next (week etc)
    7. second (of two parts)
    8. to decline
    9. to go down
    10. to arrive at (a decision, conclusion etc)
    11. measure word to show the frequency of an action
  • 1. summer
  • 1. to dance
    2. to wield
    3. to brandish
  • xià嚇 〔吓〕

    1. to frighten
    2. to scare
  • Xià廈 〔厦〕

    1. abbr. for Xiamen or Amoy 廈門|厦门[Xià mén], Fujian
  • Xià

    1. the Xia or Hsia dynasty c. 2000 BC
    2. Xia of the Sixteen Kingdoms (407-432)
    3. surname Xia
  • 1. squad of five soldiers
    2. to associate with
    3. five (banker's anti-fraud numeral)
  • 1. surname Wu
  • 1. surname Wu
  • 1. surname Wu
  • 鵡 〔鹉〕

    1. parrot
  • 1. obstinate, perverse
  • xià

    1. crack
    2. grudge
  • 1. inferior gem
    2. a kind of jade
  • 1. vase
    2. jar
  • 1. inferior gem
    2. a kind of jade
  • 1. to oppose
    2. to gore
  • 潕 〔𣲘〕

    1. river in Henan
  • 1. martial
    2. military
  • 1. variant of 捂[wǔ]
    2. to cover
  • 1. to enclose
    2. to cover with the hand (one's eyes, nose or ears)
    3. to cover up (an affair)
    4. contrary
    5. to contradict
  • 憮 〔怃〕

    1. (literary) to have tender affection for
    2. (literary) discouraged
    3. disappointed
    4. (literary) startled
  • 1. disobedient
    2. unfilial
  • 廡 〔庑〕

    1. small rooms facing or to the side of the main hall or veranda
  • 嫵 〔妩〕

    1. flatter
    2. to please
  • 1. variant of 侮[wǔ]
  • xià

    1. old variant of 夏[xià]
  • 1. obstinate, disobedient, intractable
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