235 Results
  • xià wǔ下午

    1. afternoon
    2. CL:個|个[gè]
    3. p.m.
  • 1. down
    2. downwards
    3. below
    4. lower
    5. later
    6. next (week etc)
    7. second (of two parts)
    8. to decline
    9. to go down
    10. to arrive at (a decision, conclusion etc)
    11. measure word to show the frequency of an action
  • 1. summer
  • 1. to dance
    2. to wield
    3. to brandish
  • xià嚇 〔吓〕

    1. to frighten
    2. to scare
  • Xià

    1. the Xia or Hsia dynasty c. 2000 BC
    2. Xia of the Sixteen Kingdoms (407-432)
    3. surname Xia
  • 1. squad of five soldiers
    2. to associate with
    3. five (banker's anti-fraud numeral)
  • 1. surname Wu
  • 1. martial
    2. military
  • 1. 7th earthly branch: 11 a.m.-1 p.m., noon, 5th solar month (6th June-6th July), year of the Horse
    2. ancient Chinese compass point: 180° (south)
  • 1. to insult
    2. to ridicule
    3. to disgrace
  • 1. female
    2. woman
    3. daughter
  • xià yǔ下雨

    1. to rain
  • 1. in a short while
    2. all at once
    3. all of a sudden
  • wǔ cān午餐

    1. lunch
    2. luncheon
    3. CL:份[fèn],頓|顿[dùn],次[cì]
  • zhōng wǔ中午

    1. noon
    2. midday
    3. CL:個|个[gè]
  • tiào wǔ跳舞

    1. to dance
  • xià kè下課 〔-课〕

    1. to finish class
    2. to get out of class
    3. (fig.) (esp. of a sports coach) to be dismissed
    4. to be fired
  • shàng wǔ上午

    1. morning
    2. CL:個|个[gè]
  • nán

    1. male
    2. Baron, lowest of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wǔ děng jué wèi]
  • xià tiān夏天

    1. summer
    2. CL:個|个[gè]
  • 1. green
    2. (slang) (derived from 綠帽子|绿帽子[lǜ mào zi]) to cheat on (one's spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend)
  • nǚ shēng女生
    1. schoolgirl
    2. female student
    3. girl
  • lǚ xíng / lǚ xìng旅行
    1. to travel
    2. journey
    3. trip
    4. CL:趟[tàng],次[cì]
  • lǚ guǎn旅館 〔-馆〕
    1. hotel
    2. CL:家[jiā]
  • liú xià留下

    1. to leave behind
    2. to stay behind
    3. to remain
    4. to keep
    5. not to let (sb) go
  • xià bān下班

    1. to finish work
    2. to get off work
  • jiē xià lái接下來 〔-来〕

    1. to accept
    2. to take
    3. next
    4. following
  • yǐ xià以下

    1. that level or lower
    2. that amount or less
    3. the following
  • xià xuě下雪

    1. to snow
  • 1. woman
    2. the female sex
  • fǎ lǜ / fà lǜ法律
    1. law
    2. CL:條|条[tiáo], 套[tào], 個|个[gè]
  • lóu xià樓下 〔楼-〕

    1. downstairs
  • kǎo lǜ考慮 〔-虑〕
    1. to think over
    2. to consider
    3. consideration
  • shèng xià剩下

    1. to remain
    2. left over
  • tiān xià天下

    1. land under heaven
    2. the whole world
    3. the whole of China
    4. realm
    5. rule
  • wǔ qì武器

    1. weapon
    2. arms
    3. CL:種|种[zhǒng]
  • fù nǚ婦女 〔妇-〕
    1. woman
  • 1. not yet
    2. did not
    3. have not
    4. not
    5. 8th earthly branch: 1-3 p.m., 6th solar month (7th July-6th August), year of the Sheep
    6. ancient Chinese compass point: 210°
  • 1. clique
    2. school
    3. group
    4. faction
    5. to dispatch
    6. to send
    7. to assign
    8. to appoint
    9. pi (Greek letter Ππ)
    10. the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926
    11. (loanword) pie
  • zǐ nǚ子女
    1. children
    2. sons and daughters
  • fàng xià放下

    1. to lay down
    2. to put down
    3. to let go of
    4. to relinquish
    5. to set aside
    6. to lower (the blinds etc)
  • xiào lǜ效率
    1. efficiency
  • 1. father's elder brother
    2. senior
    3. paternal elder uncle
    4. eldest of brothers
    5. respectful form of address
    6. Count, third of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wǔ děng jué wèi]
  • nǚ shì女士
    1. lady
    2. madam
    3. CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
    4. Miss
    5. Ms
  • nǚ zǐ女子
    1. woman
    2. female
  • xià jiàng下降

    1. to decline
    2. to drop
    3. to fall
    4. to go down
    5. to decrease
  • sūn nǚ孫女 〔孙-〕
    1. son's daughter
    2. granddaughter
  • lǚ yóu旅遊 〔-游〕
    1. trip
    2. journey
    3. tourism
    4. travel
    5. tour
    6. to travel
  • jī lǜ機率 〔机-〕
    1. probability
    2. odds (Tw)
  • dāng xià當下 〔当-〕

    1. immediately
    2. at once
    3. at that moment
    4. at the moment
  • jiāo lǜ焦慮 〔-虑〕
    1. anxious
    2. worried
    3. apprehensive
  • 1. son
    2. child
    3. seed
    4. egg
    5. small thing
    6. 1st earthly branch: 11 p.m.-1 a.m., midnight, 11th solar month (7th December to 5th January), year of the Rat
    7. Viscount, fourth of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wǔ děng jué wèi]
    8. ancient Chinese compass point: 0° (north)
    9. subsidiary
    10. subordinate
    11. sub-
  • shào nǚ少女
    1. girl
    2. young lady
  • wǔ dǎo / wǔ dào舞蹈

    1. dance (performance art)
    2. dancing
  • xià lìng下令

    1. to give an order
    2. to command
  • lǜ shī律師 〔-师〕
    1. lawyer
  • shàng xià上下

    1. up and down
    2. top and bottom
    3. old and young
    4. length
    5. about
  • duì wǔ隊伍 〔队-〕

    1. ranks
    2. troops
    3. queue
    4. line
    5. procession
    6. CL:個|个[gè],支[zhī],條|条[tiáo]
  • xià qí下棋

    1. to play chess
  • pín lǜ頻率 〔频-〕
    1. frequency
  • wǔ gōng武功

    1. martial art
    2. military accomplishments
    3. (Peking opera) martial arts feats
  • wǔ zhuāng武裝 〔-装〕

    1. arms
    2. equipment
    3. to arm
    4. military
    5. armed (forces)
  • xià liè下列

    1. following
  • guī lǜ規律 〔规-〕
    1. rule (e.g. of science)
    2. law of behavior
    3. regular pattern
    4. rhythm
    5. discipline
  • xià yī tiào嚇一跳 〔吓-〕
    1. startled
    2. to frighten
    3. scared out of one's skin
  • ér nǚ兒女 〔儿-〕
    1. children
    2. sons and daughters
    3. a young man and a young woman (in love)
  • lǚ chéng旅程
    1. journey
    2. trip
  • Xià cháo夏朝

    1. Xia Dynasty (2070-1600 BC)
  • xià ba下巴

    1. chin
    2. CL:個|个[gè]
  • wǔ xiá武俠 〔-侠〕

    1. martial arts chivalry (Chinese literary, theatrical and cinema genre)
    2. knight-errant
  • yōu lǜ憂慮 〔忧虑〕
    1. to worry
    2. anxiety (about)
  • xià rén嚇人 〔吓-〕
    1. to scare
    2. scary
    3. frightening
  • bàn lǚ伴侶 〔-侣〕
    1. companion
    2. mate
    3. partner
  • shǒu xià手下

    1. under one's control or administration
    2. subordinates
    3. (money etc) on hand
    4. sb's financial means
    5. when taking action
  • xià chǎng下場 〔-场〕

    1. to leave (the stage, an exam room, the playing field etc)
    2. to take part in some activity
    3. to take an examination (in the imperial examination system)
  • xià yóu下游

    1. lower reaches (of a river)
    2. lower level
    3. lower echelon
    4. downstream
  • dì xià shì地下室

    1. basement
    2. cellar
  • xià rì夏日

    1. summertime
  • wǔ yè午夜

    1. midnight
  • xià diē / xià dié下跌

    1. to fall
    2. to tumble
  • dīng

    1. male adult
    2. the 4th of the 10 Heavenly Stems 天干[tiān gān]
    3. fourth (used like "4" or "D")
    4. small cube of meat or vegetable
    5. (literary) to encounter
    6. (archaic) ancient Chinese compass point: 195°
    7. (chemistry) butyl
  • guò lǜ過濾 〔过滤〕
    1. to filter
    2. filter
  • zhǎng nǚ長女 〔长-〕
    1. eldest daughter
  • cì nǚ次女
    1. second daughter
  • qíng lǚ情侶 〔-侣〕
    1. sweethearts
    2. lovers
  • zhí nǚ姪女 〔侄-〕
    1. niece
    2. brother's daughter
  • bǐ lǜ / bì lǜ比率
    1. ratio
    2. rate
    3. proportion
  • luò wǔ落伍

    1. to fall behind the ranks
    2. to be outdated
  • xià lìng yíng夏令營 〔-营〕

    1. summer camp
  • chū shēng lǜ出生率
    1. birthrate
  • gǔ wǔ鼓舞

    1. heartening (news)
    2. to boost (morale)
    3. CL:個|个[gè]
  • xià shǒu下手

    1. to start
    2. to put one's hand to
    3. to set about
    4. the seat to the right of the main guest
  • wǔ shì武士

    1. warrior
    2. samurai
  • jì lǜ紀律 〔纪-〕
    1. discipline
  • yí lǜ疑慮 〔-虑〕
    1. hesitation
    2. misgivings
    3. doubt
  • nǚ xu女婿
    1. daughter's husband
    2. son-in-law
  • wǔ dòng舞動 〔-动〕

    1. to move as in a dance
    2. to wave (some implement)
    3. to flourish
    4. (of eyes, hands etc) to dance
    5. to flutter
  • wǔ yì武藝 〔-艺〕

    1. martial art
    2. military skill
  • xià huài嚇壞 〔吓坏〕

    1. to be terrified
    2. to terrify sb
  • wǔ rǔ / wǔ rù侮辱

    1. to insult
    2. to humiliate
    3. dishonor
  • wǔ guān五官

    1. five sense organs of TCM (nose, eyes, lips, tongue, ears 鼻目口舌耳)
    2. facial features
  • xià dá下達 〔-达〕

    1. to transmit to lower levels
    2. to issue (a command, decree etc)
  • xià luò下落

    1. whereabouts
    2. to drop
    3. to fall
  • xià huá下滑

    1. to slide down (a slope etc)
    2. (fig.) to decline
  • xià liú下流

    1. lower course of a river
    2. low-class
    3. mean and lowly
    4. vulgar
    5. obscene
  • xià dú下毒

    1. to put poison in sth
    2. to poison
  • xià shǔ下屬 〔-属〕

    1. subordinate
    2. underling
  • 1. rate
    2. frequency
  • xiān nǚ仙女
    1. fairy
  • dìng lǜ定律
    1. scientific law (e.g. law of conservation of energy)
    2. (in human affairs) a generalization based on observation (e.g. "power corrupts")
  • lǚ tú旅途
    1. journey
    2. trip
  • yī lǜ一律
    1. same
    2. uniformly
    3. all
    4. without exception
  • wǔ yán liù sè五顏六色 〔-颜六色〕

    1. multicolored
    2. every color under the sun
  • wǔ huā bā mén五花八門 〔-门〕

    1. myriad
    2. all kinds of
    3. all sorts of
  • gé xià閣下 〔阁-〕

    1. your distinguished self
    2. your majesty
    3. sire
  • tuì wǔ退伍

    1. to be discharged from military service
  • shū nǚ / shú nǚ淑女
    1. wise and virtuous woman
    2. lady
  • jì nǚ妓女
    1. prostitute
    2. hooker
  • jīng xià驚嚇 〔惊吓〕

    1. to frighten
    2. to horrify
    3. to terrify
  • bǐ xià筆下 〔笔-〕

    1. the wording and purport of what one writes
  • hóng lǜ dēng紅綠燈 〔红绿灯〕
    1. traffic light
    2. traffic signal
  • gāo xià高下

    1. relative superiority (better or worse, stronger or weaker, above or below etc)
  • fēi wǔ飛舞 〔飞-〕

    1. to flutter
    2. to dance in the breeze
  • gù lǜ顧慮 〔顾虑〕
    1. misgivings
    2. apprehensions
  • yùn lǜ韻律 〔韵-〕
    1. cadence
    2. rhythm
    3. rhyme scheme
    4. meter (in verse)
    5. (linguistics) prosody
  • bù xià部下

    1. troops under one's command
    2. subordinate
  • zì lǜ自律
    1. self-discipline
    2. self-regulation
    3. autonomy (ethics)
    4. autonomic (physiology)
  • zhèng wǔ正午

    1. midday
    2. noon
    3. noonday
  • qī wǔ欺侮

    1. to bully
  • shí xià時下 〔时-〕

    1. at present
    2. right now
  • qí xià旗下

    1. under the banner of
  • xuán lǜ旋律
    1. melody
  • wén wǔ文武

    1. civil and military
  • huī wǔ揮舞 〔挥-〕

    1. to brandish
    2. to wave sth
  • shǔ xià屬下 〔属-〕

    1. subordinate
    2. affiliated to
    3. subsidiary
  • dī xià低下

    1. low status
    2. lowly
    3. to lower (one's head)
  • xià yì shí / xià yì shì下意識 〔-识〕

    1. subconscious mind
  • yīng wǔ鸚鵡 〔鹦鹉〕

    1. parrot
  • sēng lǚ僧侶 〔-侣〕
    1. monk
  • wǔ bù舞步

    1. dance steps
  • wǔ shù武術 〔-术〕

    1. military skill or technique (in former times)
    2. all kinds of martial art sports (some claiming spiritual development)
    3. self-defense
    4. tradition of choreographed fights from opera and film (recent usage)
    5. also called kungfu 功夫
    6. CL:種|种[zhǒng]
  • wǔ lín武林

    1. martial arts (social) circles
  • wǔ duàn武斷 〔-断〕

    1. arbitrary
    2. subjective
    3. dogmatic
  • wǔ jiàng武將 〔-将〕

    1. general
    2. military leader
    3. fierce man
  • xià hu嚇唬 〔吓-〕

    1. to scare
    2. to frighten
  • wǔ jīn五金

    1. metal hardware (nuts and bolts)
    2. the five metals: gold, silver, copper, iron and tin 金銀銅鐵錫|金银铜铁锡[jīn yín tóng tiě xī]
  • wǔ cǎi五彩

    1. five (main) colors (white, black, red, yellow, and blue)
    2. multicolored
  • xià fēng下風 〔-风〕

    1. leeward
    2. downwind
    3. disadvantageous position
    4. to concede or give way in an argument
  • xià zǎi / xià zài下載 〔-载〕

    1. to download
    2. also pr. [xià zài]
  • xià zhào下詔 〔-诏〕

    1. to hand down an imperial edict
  • xià zàng下葬

    1. to bury
    2. to inter
  • xià jí下級 〔-级〕

    1. low ranking
    2. low level
    3. underclass
    4. subordinate
  • xià bǐ下筆 〔-笔〕

    1. to put pen to paper
  • xià hǎi下海

    1. to go out to sea
    2. to enter the sea (to swim etc)
    3. (fig.) to take the plunge (e.g. leave a secure job, or enter prostitution etc)
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