7 Results
  • xià嚇 〔吓〕

    1. to frighten
    2. to scare
  • jiē xià lái接下來 〔-来〕

    1. to accept
    2. to take
    3. next
    4. following
  • shèng xià剩下

    1. to remain
    2. left over
  • fàng xià放下

    1. to lay down
    2. to put down
    3. to let go of
    4. to relinquish
    5. to set aside
    6. to lower (the blinds etc)
  • xià qí下棋

    1. to play chess
  • xià yī tiào嚇一跳 〔吓-〕
    1. startled
    2. to frighten
    3. scared out of one's skin
  • dì xià shì地下室

    1. basement
    2. cellar