37 Results
  • xià wǔ下午

    1. afternoon
    2. CL:個|个[gè]
    3. p.m.
  • 1. down
    2. downwards
    3. below
    4. lower
    5. later
    6. next (week etc)
    7. second (of two parts)
    8. to decline
    9. to go down
    10. to arrive at (a decision, conclusion etc)
    11. measure word to show the frequency of an action
  • 1. summer
  • xià yǔ下雨

    1. to rain
  • 1. in a short while
    2. all at once
    3. all of a sudden
  • wǔ cān午餐

    1. lunch
    2. luncheon
    3. CL:份[fèn],頓|顿[dùn],次[cì]
  • zhōng wǔ中午

    1. noon
    2. midday
    3. CL:個|个[gè]
  • tiào wǔ跳舞

    1. to dance
  • xià kè下課 〔-课〕

    1. to finish class
    2. to get out of class
    3. (fig.) (esp. of a sports coach) to be dismissed
    4. to be fired
  • shàng wǔ上午

    1. morning
    2. CL:個|个[gè]
  • nán

    1. male
    2. Baron, lowest of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wǔ děng jué wèi]
  • xià tiān夏天

    1. summer
    2. CL:個|个[gè]
  • xià bān下班

    1. to finish work
    2. to get off work
  • xià xuě下雪

    1. to snow
  • lóu xià樓下 〔楼-〕

    1. downstairs
  • tiān xià天下

    1. land under heaven
    2. the whole world
    3. the whole of China
    4. realm
    5. rule
  • wǔ qì武器

    1. weapon
    2. arms
    3. CL:種|种[zhǒng]
  • 1. father's elder brother
    2. senior
    3. paternal elder uncle
    4. eldest of brothers
    5. respectful form of address
    6. Count, third of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wǔ děng jué wèi]
  • xià jiàng下降

    1. to decline
    2. to drop
    3. to fall
    4. to go down
    5. to decrease
  • wǔ dǎo / wǔ dào舞蹈

    1. dance (performance art)
    2. dancing
  • xià lìng下令

    1. to give an order
    2. to command
  • shàng xià上下

    1. up and down
    2. top and bottom
    3. old and young
    4. length
    5. about
  • duì wǔ隊伍 〔队-〕

    1. ranks
    2. troops
    3. queue
    4. line
    5. procession
    6. CL:個|个[gè],支[zhī],條|条[tiáo]
  • wǔ gōng武功

    1. martial art
    2. military accomplishments
    3. (Peking opera) martial arts feats
  • xià liè下列

    1. following
  • xià ba下巴

    1. chin
    2. CL:個|个[gè]
  • xià rén嚇人 〔吓-〕
    1. to scare
    2. scary
    3. frightening
  • shǒu xià手下

    1. under one's control or administration
    2. subordinates
    3. (money etc) on hand
    4. sb's financial means
    5. when taking action
  • xià chǎng下場 〔-场〕

    1. to leave (the stage, an exam room, the playing field etc)
    2. to take part in some activity
    3. to take an examination (in the imperial examination system)
  • xià rì夏日

    1. summertime
  • wǔ yè午夜

    1. midnight
  • xià diē / xià dié下跌

    1. to fall
    2. to tumble
  • luò wǔ落伍

    1. to fall behind the ranks
    2. to be outdated
  • xià lìng yíng夏令營 〔-营〕

    1. summer camp
  • wǔ yán liù sè五顏六色 〔-颜六色〕

    1. multicolored
    2. every color under the sun
  • wǔ huā bā mén五花八門 〔-门〕

    1. myriad
    2. all kinds of
    3. all sorts of