65 Results
  • 1. home
    2. family
    3. (polite) my (sister, uncle etc)
    4. classifier for families or businesses
    5. refers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han China
    6. noun suffix for a specialist in some activity, such as a musician or revolutionary, corresponding to English -ist, -er, -ary or -ian
    7. CL:個|个[gè]
  • gù xiāng故鄉 〔-乡〕

    1. home
    2. homeland
    3. native place
    4. CL:個|个[gè]
  • jiā yuán家園 〔-园〕

    1. home
    2. homeland
  • jiā jū家居

    1. home
    2. residence
    3. to stay at home (unemployed)
  • guī sù歸宿 〔归-〕

    1. place to return to
    2. home
    3. final destination
    4. ending
  • 1. green
    2. (slang) (derived from 綠帽子|绿帽子[lǜ mào zi]) to cheat on (one's spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend)
  • chū mén出門 〔-门〕

    1. to go out
    2. to leave home
    3. to go on a journey
    4. away from home
    5. (of a woman) to get married
  • fǎ lǜ / fà lǜ法律
    1. law
    2. CL:條|条[tiáo], 套[tào], 個|个[gè]
  • kǎo lǜ考慮 〔-虑〕
    1. to think over
    2. to consider
    3. consideration
  • xiào lǜ效率
    1. efficiency
  • xiāng鄉 〔乡〕

    1. country or countryside
    2. native place
    3. home village or town
    4. township (PRC administrative unit)
  • jī lǜ機率 〔机-〕
    1. probability
    2. odds (Tw)
  • jiāo lǜ焦慮 〔-虑〕
    1. anxious
    2. worried
    3. apprehensive
  • lǜ shī律師 〔-师〕
    1. lawyer
  • lǎo jiā老家

    1. native place
    2. place of origin
    3. home state or region
  • pín lǜ頻率 〔频-〕
    1. frequency
  • jū jiā居家

    1. to live at home
    2. to stay at home
    3. home (schooling etc)
    4. in-home (care etc)
    5. household (repairs etc)
    6. living (environment etc)
  • guī lǜ規律 〔规-〕
    1. rule (e.g. of science)
    2. law of behavior
    3. regular pattern
    4. rhythm
    5. discipline
  • yōu lǜ憂慮 〔忧虑〕
    1. to worry
    2. anxiety (about)
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