17 Results
  • jiā jū家居

    1. home
    2. residence
    3. to stay at home (unemployed)
  • guī sù歸宿 〔归-〕

    1. place to return to
    2. home
    3. final destination
    4. ending
  • tǔ shēng tǔ zhǎng土生土長 〔-长〕

    1. locally born and bred
    2. indigenous
    3. home-grown
  • yuǎn xíng / yuǎn xìng遠行 〔远-〕

    1. a long journey
    2. far from home
  • jiā cháng biàn fàn家常便飯 〔-饭〕

    1. simple home-style meal
    2. common occurrence
    3. nothing out of the ordinary
  • fǔ shàng府上

    1. (polite) your home
    2. residence
  • guī tú歸途 〔归-〕

    1. the way back
    2. one's journey home
  • wū yán屋簷 〔-檐〕

    1. eaves
    2. roof (i.e. home)
  • píng dàn wú qí平淡無奇 〔-无奇〕

    1. ordinary and mediocre (idiom)
    2. nothing to write home about
  • dēng mén登門 〔-门〕

    1. to visit sb at home
  • yì xiāng異鄉 〔异乡〕

    1. foreign land
    2. a place far from home
  • lǚ jū旅居
    1. to stay away from home
    2. residence abroad
    3. sojourn
  • jì jū寄居

    1. to live away from home
  • tàn qīn探親 〔-亲〕

    1. to go home to visit one's family
  • fēng pèi豐沛 〔丰-〕

    1. copious
    2. plentiful (of water)
    3. surging (of waves)
    4. refers to home village of first Han emperor 漢高祖|汉高祖[Hàn Gāo zǔ]
    5. fig. majestic
  • jiā tú sì bì家徒四壁

    1. lit. with only four bare walls for a home (idiom)
    2. fig. very poor
    3. wretched
  • yíng qǔ迎娶

    1. (of a groom) to fetch one's bride from her parents' home to escort her to the wedding ceremony
    2. (fig.) to take as one's wife
    3. to marry (a woman)