59 Results
  • 1. not yet
    2. did not
    3. have not
    4. not
    5. 8th earthly branch: 1-3 p.m., 6th solar month (7th July-6th August), year of the Sheep
    6. ancient Chinese compass point: 210°
  • zhàng

    1. measure of length, ten Chinese feet (3.3 m)
    2. to measure
    3. husband
    4. polite appellation for an older male
  • 1. one
    2. single
    3. a (article)
    4. as soon as
    5. entire
    6. whole
    7. all
    8. throughout
    9. "one" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 1)
    10. also pr. [yāo] for greater clarity when spelling out numbers digit by digit
  • 1. female
    2. woman
    3. daughter
  • lóu樓 〔楼〕

    1. house with more than 1 story
    2. storied building
    3. floor
    4. CL:層|层[céng],座[zuò],棟|栋[dòng]
  • nǚ shēng女生
    1. schoolgirl
    2. female student
    3. girl
  • lǚ xíng / lǚ xìng旅行
    1. to travel
    2. journey
    3. trip
    4. CL:趟[tàng],次[cì]
  • lǚ guǎn旅館 〔-馆〕
    1. hotel
    2. CL:家[jiā]
  • 1. woman
    2. the female sex
  • fù nǚ婦女 〔妇-〕
    1. woman
  • 1. clique
    2. school
    3. group
    4. faction
    5. to dispatch
    6. to send
    7. to assign
    8. to appoint
    9. pi (Greek letter Ππ)
    10. the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926
    11. (loanword) pie
  • zǐ nǚ子女
    1. children
    2. sons and daughters
  • nǚ shì女士
    1. lady
    2. madam
    3. CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
    4. Miss
    5. Ms
  • nǚ zǐ女子
    1. woman
    2. female
  • sūn nǚ孫女 〔孙-〕
    1. son's daughter
    2. granddaughter
  • lǚ yóu旅遊 〔-游〕
    1. trip
    2. journey
    3. tourism
    4. travel
    5. tour
    6. to travel
  • shào nǚ少女
    1. girl
    2. young lady
  • 1. son
    2. child
    3. seed
    4. egg
    5. small thing
    6. 1st earthly branch: 11 p.m.-1 a.m., midnight, 11th solar month (7th December to 5th January), year of the Rat
    7. Viscount, fourth of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wǔ děng jué wèi]
    8. ancient Chinese compass point: 0° (north)
    9. subsidiary
    10. subordinate
    11. sub-
  • ér nǚ兒女 〔儿-〕
    1. children
    2. sons and daughters
    3. a young man and a young woman (in love)
  • lǚ chéng旅程
    1. journey
    2. trip
  • bàn lǚ伴侶 〔-侣〕
    1. companion
    2. mate
    3. partner
  • zhǎng nǚ長女 〔长-〕
    1. eldest daughter
  • cì nǚ次女
    1. second daughter
  • qíng lǚ情侶 〔-侣〕
    1. sweethearts
    2. lovers
  • zhí nǚ姪女 〔侄-〕
    1. niece
    2. brother's daughter
  • nǚ xu女婿
    1. daughter's husband
    2. son-in-law
  • xiān nǚ仙女
    1. fairy
  • lǚ tú旅途
    1. journey
    2. trip
  • shū nǚ / shú nǚ淑女
    1. wise and virtuous woman
    2. lady
  • jì nǚ妓女
    1. prostitute
    2. hooker
  • sēng lǚ僧侶 〔-侣〕
    1. monk
  • lán lǚ襤褸 〔褴褛〕
    1. ragged
    2. shabby
  • chǔ nǚ處女 〔处-〕
    1. virgin
    2. maiden
    3. maiden (voyage etc)
    4. virgin (land)
    5. (a novelist's) first (work)
  • bì lù lán lǚ篳路藍縷 〔筚路蓝缕〕
    1. the hardships of beginning an undertaking (idiom)
  • shēng ér yù nǚ生兒育女 〔-儿育女〕
    1. to bear and raise children
  • bù lǚ步履
    1. gait
    2. to walk
  • lǚ xíng shè / lǚ xìng shè旅行社
    1. travel agency
  • jiǎo

    1. angle
    2. corner
    3. horn
    4. horn-shaped
    5. unit of money equal to 0.1 yuan, or 10 cents (a dime)
    6. CL:個|个[gè]
  • nǚ shén女神
    1. goddess
    2. nymph
  • lǚ xíng / lǚ xìng履行
    1. to fulfill (one's obligations)
    2. to carry out (a task)
    3. to implement (an agreement)
    4. to perform
  • lǚ cì屢次 〔屡-〕
    1. repeatedly
    2. time and again
  • nǚ láng女郎
    1. young woman
    2. maiden
    3. girl
    4. CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
  • 縷 〔缕〕
    1. strand
    2. thread
    3. detailed
    4. in detail
    5. classifier for wisps (of smoke, mist or vapor), strands, locks (of hair)
  • lǚ jū旅居
    1. to stay away from home
    2. residence abroad
    3. sojourn
  • lǚ lì履歷 〔-历〕
    1. background (academic and work)
    2. curriculum vitae
    3. résumé
  • lǚ lǚ屢屢 〔屡屡〕
    1. again and again
    2. repeatedly
  • háo

    1. hair
    2. drawing brush
    3. (in the) least
    4. one thousandth
    5. currency unit, 0.1 yuan
  • lǚ jiàn bù xiān屢見不鮮 〔屡见不鲜〕
    1. a common occurrence (idiom)
  • nán nǚ lǎo yòu男女老幼
    1. men, women, young and old
    2. everybody
  • píng

    1. a plain
    2. ping, unit of area equal to approx. 3.3058 square meters (used in Japan and Taiwan)
  • 1. trip
    2. travel
    3. to travel
    4. brigade (army)
  • 1. shoe
    2. to tread on
  • 呂 〔吕〕
    1. pitchpipe, pitch standard, one of the twelve semitones in the traditional tone system
  • 呂 〔吕〕
    1. surname Lü
  • guǎn zhì管制

    1. to control
    2. to restrict
    3. (PRC law) non-custodial sentence with specified restrictions on one's activities for up to 3 years (e.g. not to participate in demonstrations)
  • shēn

    1. to extend
    2. to state
    3. to explain
    4. 9th earthly branch: 3-5 p.m., 7th solar month (7th August-7th September), year of the Monkey
    5. ancient Chinese compass point: 240°
  • 1. 7th earthly branch: 11 a.m.-1 p.m., noon, 5th solar month (6th June-6th July), year of the Horse
    2. ancient Chinese compass point: 180° (south)