29 Results
  • xiǎng fú享福

    1. to live comfortably
    2. happy and prosperous life
  • huí xiǎng迴響 〔回响〕

    1. to echo
    2. to reverberate
    3. to respond
    4. echo
    5. response
    6. reaction
  • yù xiǎng預想 〔预-〕

    1. to anticipate
    2. to expect
  • xiá xiǎng遐想

    1. reverie
    2. daydream
    3. to be lost in wild and fanciful thoughts
  • liào xiǎng料想

    1. to expect
    2. to presume
    3. to think (sth is likely)
  • tuī xiǎng推想

    1. to reckon
    2. to infer
    3. to imagine
  • xiū xiǎng休想

    1. don't think (that)
    2. don't imagine (that)
  • yì xiǎng tiān kāi異想天開 〔异想天开〕

    1. to imagine the wildest thing
    2. to indulge in fantasy
  • zuǒ sī yòu xiǎng左思右想

    1. to turn over in one's mind (idiom)
    2. to think through from different angles
    3. to ponder
  • bù kān shè xiǎng不堪設想 〔-设想〕

    1. too horrible to contemplate
    2. unthinkable
    3. inconceivable
  • fēn jiě分解

    1. to resolve
    2. to decompose
    3. to break down
  • píng fēn評分 〔评-〕

    1. to grade
    2. to mark (student's work)
    3. grade
    4. score (of student's work)
  • guā fēn瓜分

    1. to partition
    2. to divide up
  • píng fēn平分

    1. to divide evenly
    2. to bisect (geometry)
    3. deuce (tennis)
    4. tied score
  • ān fèn安分

    1. content with one's lot
    2. knowing one's place
  • xué fēn學分 〔学-〕

    1. course credit
  • sì fēn wǔ liè四分五裂

    1. all split up and in pieces (idiom)
    2. disunity (in an organization)
    3. complete lack of unity
    4. to disintegrate
    5. falling apart
    6. to be at sixes and sevens
  • fēn shēn分身

    1. (of one who has supernatural powers) to replicate oneself so as to appear in two or more places at the same time
    2. a derivative version of sb (or sth) (e.g. avatar, proxy, clone, sockpuppet)
    3. to spare some time for a separate task
    4. to cut a corpse into pieces
    5. to pull a body apart by the four limbs
    6. parturition
  • fēn fā分發 〔-发〕

    1. to distribute
    2. distribution
    3. to assign (sb) to a job
  • fēn shuǐ lǐng分水嶺 〔-岭〕

    1. dividing range
    2. drainage divide
    3. (fig.) dividing line
    4. watershed
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