150 Results
  • fēn xiǎng分享

    1. to share (let others have some of sth good)
  • 1. to think (about)
    2. to think of
    3. to devise
    4. to think (that)
    5. to believe (that)
    6. to desire
    7. to want (to)
    8. to miss (feel wistful about the absence of)
  • xiǎng響 〔响〕

    1. echo
    2. sound
    3. noise
    4. to make a sound
    5. to sound
    6. to ring
    7. loud
    8. classifier for noises
  • yǐng xiǎng影響 〔-响〕

    1. influence
    2. effect
    3. to influence
    4. to affect (usually adversely)
    5. to disturb
    6. CL:股[gǔ]
  • xiǎng fǎ / xiǎng fà想法

    1. way of thinking
    2. opinion
    3. notion
    4. to think of a way (to do sth)
    5. CL:個|个[gè]
  • 1. green
    2. (slang) (derived from 綠帽子|绿帽子[lǜ mào zi]) to cheat on (one's spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend)
  • xiǎng xiàng想像

    1. to imagine
    2. to envision
    3. imagination
  • méi xiǎng dào沒想到 〔没-〕

    1. didn't expect
  • xiǎng shòu享受

    1. to enjoy
    2. to live it up
    3. pleasure
    4. CL:種|种[zhǒng]
  • mèng xiǎng夢想 〔梦-〕

    1. (fig.) to dream of
    2. dream
  • lǐ xiǎng理想

    1. an ideal
    2. a dream
    3. ideal
    4. perfect
  • fǎ lǜ / fà lǜ法律
    1. law
    2. CL:條|条[tiáo], 套[tào], 個|个[gè]
  • xiǎng qǐ想起

    1. to recall
    2. to think of
    3. to call to mind
  • sī xiǎng思想

    1. thought
    2. thinking
    3. idea
    4. ideology
    5. CL:個|个[gè]
  • kǎo lǜ考慮 〔-虑〕
    1. to think over
    2. to consider
    3. consideration
  • xiào lǜ效率
    1. efficiency
  • huí xiǎng回想

    1. to recall
    2. to recollect
    3. to think back
  • 1. to divide
    2. to separate
    3. to distribute
    4. to allocate
    5. to distinguish (good and bad)
    6. (bound form) branch of (an organization)
    7. sub- (as in 分局[fēn jú])
    8. fraction
    9. one tenth (of certain units)
    10. unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm
    11. minute (unit of time)
    12. minute (angular measurement unit)
    13. a point (in sports or games)
    14. 0.01 yuan (unit of money)
  • xiǎng niàn想念

    1. to miss
    2. to remember with longing
    3. to long to see again
  • xiǎng xiàng lì想像力

    1. conception
    2. imagination
  • jī lǜ機率 〔机-〕
    1. probability
    2. odds (Tw)
  • jiāo lǜ焦慮 〔-虑〕
    1. anxious
    2. worried
    3. apprehensive
  • lǜ shī律師 〔-师〕
    1. lawyer
  • huàn xiǎng幻想

    1. delusion
    2. fantasy
  • xiǎng bì想必

    1. presumably
    2. probably
    3. in all likelihood
    4. surely
  • gòu xiǎng構想 〔构-〕

    1. to conceive
    2. concept
  • cāi xiǎng猜想

    1. to guess
    2. to conjecture
    3. to suppose
    4. (math.) hypothesis
  • lián xiǎng聯想 〔联-〕

    1. to associate (cognitively)
    2. to make an associative connection
    3. mental association
    4. word prediction and auto-complete functions of input method editing programs
  • xiǎng yǒu享有

    1. to enjoy (rights, privileges etc)
  • pín lǜ頻率 〔频-〕
    1. frequency
  • shēng xiǎng聲響 〔声响〕

    1. sound
    2. noise
  • gǎn xiǎng感想

    1. impressions
    2. reflections
    3. thoughts
    4. CL:通[tòng],個|个[gè]
  • guī lǜ規律 〔规-〕
    1. rule (e.g. of science)
    2. law of behavior
    3. regular pattern
    4. rhythm
    5. discipline
  • xiǎng yòng享用

    1. to enjoy (i.e. have the use or benefit of)
  • xiǎng yìng響應 〔响应〕

    1. to respond to
    2. answer
    3. CL:個|个[gè]
  • yōu lǜ憂慮 〔忧虑〕
    1. to worry
    2. anxiety (about)
  • xiǎng shēng響聲 〔响声〕

    1. noise
  • xiǎng liàng響亮 〔响-〕

    1. loud and clear
    2. resounding
  • xiǎng kāi想開 〔-开〕

    1. to get over (a shock, bereavement etc)
    2. to avoid dwelling on unpleasant things
    3. to accept the situation and move on
  • xiǎng jiàn想見 〔-见〕

    1. to infer
    2. to gather
  • xiǎng lè享樂 〔-乐〕

    1. to enjoy life
    2. pleasures of life
  • gòng xiǎng共享

    1. to share
    2. to enjoy together
  • fēn zhōng分鐘 〔-钟〕

    1. minute
  • dīng

    1. male adult
    2. the 4th of the 10 Heavenly Stems 天干[tiān gān]
    3. fourth (used like "4" or "D")
    4. small cube of meat or vegetable
    5. (literary) to encounter
    6. (archaic) ancient Chinese compass point: 195°
    7. (chemistry) butyl
  • guò lǜ過濾 〔过滤〕
    1. to filter
    2. filter
  • shè xiǎng設想 〔设-〕

    1. to imagine
    2. to assume
    3. to envisage
    4. tentative plan
    5. to have consideration for
  • yīn xiǎng音響 〔-响〕

    1. sound
    2. acoustics
    3. audio
    4. hi-fi system
    5. stereo sound system
    6. abbr. for 組合音響|组合音响[zǔ hé yīn xiǎng]
  • zhuó xiǎng著想 〔着-〕

    1. to give thought (to others)
    2. to consider (other people's needs)
    3. also pr. [zháo xiǎng]
  • kōng xiǎng空想

    1. daydream
    2. fantasy
    3. to fantasize
  • wàng xiǎng妄想

    1. to attempt vainly
    2. a vain attempt
    3. delusion
  • míng xiǎng冥想

    1. to meditate
    2. meditation
  • jiǎ xiǎng假想

    1. imaginary
    2. virtual
    3. to imagine
    4. hypothesis
  • bǐ lǜ / bì lǜ比率
    1. ratio
    2. rate
    3. proportion
  • xiǎng fú享福

    1. to live comfortably
    2. happy and prosperous life
  • chū shēng lǜ出生率
    1. birthrate
  • huí xiǎng迴響 〔回响〕

    1. to echo
    2. to reverberate
    3. to respond
    4. echo
    5. response
    6. reaction
  • jì lǜ紀律 〔纪-〕
    1. discipline
  • yí lǜ疑慮 〔-虑〕
    1. hesitation
    2. misgivings
    3. doubt
  • 1. rate
    2. frequency
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