33 Results
  • fēn xiǎng分享

    1. to share (let others have some of sth good)
  • 1. to think (about)
    2. to think of
    3. to devise
    4. to think (that)
    5. to believe (that)
    6. to desire
    7. to want (to)
    8. to miss (feel wistful about the absence of)
  • yǐng xiǎng影響 〔-响〕

    1. influence
    2. effect
    3. to influence
    4. to affect (usually adversely)
    5. to disturb
    6. CL:股[gǔ]
  • xiǎng fǎ / xiǎng fà想法

    1. way of thinking
    2. opinion
    3. notion
    4. to think of a way (to do sth)
    5. CL:個|个[gè]
  • xiǎng xiàng想像

    1. to imagine
    2. to envision
    3. imagination
  • sī xiǎng思想

    1. thought
    2. thinking
    3. idea
    4. ideology
    5. CL:個|个[gè]
  • 1. to divide
    2. to separate
    3. to distribute
    4. to allocate
    5. to distinguish (good and bad)
    6. (bound form) branch of (an organization)
    7. sub- (as in 分局[fēn jú])
    8. fraction
    9. one tenth (of certain units)
    10. unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm
    11. minute (unit of time)
    12. minute (angular measurement unit)
    13. a point (in sports or games)
    14. 0.01 yuan (unit of money)
  • huàn xiǎng幻想

    1. delusion
    2. fantasy
  • xiǎng bì想必

    1. presumably
    2. probably
    3. in all likelihood
    4. surely
  • gòu xiǎng構想 〔构-〕

    1. to conceive
    2. concept
  • cāi xiǎng猜想

    1. to guess
    2. to conjecture
    3. to suppose
    4. (math.) hypothesis
  • lián xiǎng聯想 〔联-〕

    1. to associate (cognitively)
    2. to make an associative connection
    3. mental association
    4. word prediction and auto-complete functions of input method editing programs
  • shēng xiǎng聲響 〔声响〕

    1. sound
    2. noise
  • gǎn xiǎng感想

    1. impressions
    2. reflections
    3. thoughts
    4. CL:通[tòng],個|个[gè]
  • fēn zhōng分鐘 〔-钟〕

    1. minute
  • 1. part
    2. share
    3. section
    4. piece
    5. CL:個|个[gè]
  • shí fēn十分

    1. very
    2. completely
    3. utterly
    4. extremely
    5. absolutely
    6. hundred percent
    7. to divide into ten equal parts
  • fēn xī分析

    1. to analyze
    2. analysis
    3. CL:個|个[gè]
  • chéng fèn成分

    1. composition
    2. ingredient
    3. element
    4. component
    5. one's social status
    6. CL:個|个[gè]
  • chōng fèn充分

    1. ample
    2. sufficient
    3. adequate
    4. full
    5. fully
    6. to the full
  • fēn lèi分類 〔-类〕

    1. to classify
  • shuǐ fèn水分

    1. moisture content
    2. (fig.) overstatement
    3. padding
  • fēn pèi分配

    1. to distribute
    2. to assign
    3. to allocate
    4. to partition (a hard drive)
  • fēn liè分裂

    1. to split up
    2. to divide
    3. to break up
    4. fission
    5. schism
  • fēn lí分離 〔-离〕

    1. to separate
  • fēn biàn分辨

    1. to distinguish
    2. to differentiate
    3. to resolve
  • yǎng fèn養分 〔养-〕

    1. nutrient
  • fēn sàn分散

    1. to scatter
    2. to disperse
    3. to distribute
  • qū fēn區分 〔区-〕

    1. to differentiate
    2. to draw a distinction
    3. to divide into categories
  • wàn fēn萬分 〔万-〕

    1. very much
    2. extremely
    3. one ten thousandth part
  • yuán fèn緣分 〔缘-〕

    1. fate or chance that brings people together
    2. predestined affinity or relationship
    3. (Budd.) destiny
  • yuè fèn月分

    1. month
    2. also written 月份[yuè fèn]
  • fèn

    1. part
    2. share
    3. ingredient
    4. component