23 Results
  • sī xiǎng思想

    1. thought
    2. thinking
    3. idea
    4. ideology
    5. CL:個|个[gè]
  • huàn xiǎng幻想

    1. delusion
    2. fantasy
  • xiǎng bì想必

    1. presumably
    2. probably
    3. in all likelihood
    4. surely
  • gòu xiǎng構想 〔构-〕

    1. to conceive
    2. concept
  • cāi xiǎng猜想

    1. to guess
    2. to conjecture
    3. to suppose
    4. (math.) hypothesis
  • lián xiǎng聯想 〔联-〕

    1. to associate (cognitively)
    2. to make an associative connection
    3. mental association
    4. word prediction and auto-complete functions of input method editing programs
  • shēng xiǎng聲響 〔声响〕

    1. sound
    2. noise
  • gǎn xiǎng感想

    1. impressions
    2. reflections
    3. thoughts
    4. CL:通[tòng],個|个[gè]
  • fēn xī分析

    1. to analyze
    2. analysis
    3. CL:個|个[gè]
  • chéng fèn成分

    1. composition
    2. ingredient
    3. element
    4. component
    5. one's social status
    6. CL:個|个[gè]
  • chōng fèn充分

    1. ample
    2. sufficient
    3. adequate
    4. full
    5. fully
    6. to the full
  • fēn lèi分類 〔-类〕

    1. to classify
  • shuǐ fèn水分

    1. moisture content
    2. (fig.) overstatement
    3. padding
  • fēn pèi分配

    1. to distribute
    2. to assign
    3. to allocate
    4. to partition (a hard drive)
  • fēn liè分裂

    1. to split up
    2. to divide
    3. to break up
    4. fission
    5. schism
  • fēn lí分離 〔-离〕

    1. to separate
  • fēn biàn分辨

    1. to distinguish
    2. to differentiate
    3. to resolve
  • yǎng fèn養分 〔养-〕

    1. nutrient
  • fēn sàn分散

    1. to scatter
    2. to disperse
    3. to distribute
  • qū fēn區分 〔区-〕

    1. to differentiate
    2. to draw a distinction
    3. to divide into categories
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