18 Results
  • fēn xiǎng分享

    1. to share (let others have some of sth good)
  • xiǎng響 〔响〕

    1. echo
    2. sound
    3. noise
    4. to make a sound
    5. to sound
    6. to ring
    7. loud
    8. classifier for noises
  • xiǎng xiàng想像

    1. to imagine
    2. to envision
    3. imagination
  • xiǎng shòu享受

    1. to enjoy
    2. to live it up
    3. pleasure
    4. CL:種|种[zhǒng]
  • mèng xiǎng夢想 〔梦-〕

    1. (fig.) to dream of
    2. dream
  • lǐ xiǎng理想

    1. an ideal
    2. a dream
    3. ideal
    4. perfect
  • xiǎng qǐ想起

    1. to recall
    2. to think of
    3. to call to mind
  • huí xiǎng回想

    1. to recall
    2. to recollect
    3. to think back
  • xiǎng niàn想念

    1. to miss
    2. to remember with longing
    3. to long to see again
  • xiǎng xiàng lì想像力

    1. conception
    2. imagination
  • shí fēn十分

    1. very
    2. completely
    3. utterly
    4. extremely
    5. absolutely
    6. hundred percent
    7. to divide into ten equal parts
  • fēn bié分別 〔-别〕

    1. to part
    2. to leave each other
    3. to distinguish
    4. to tell apart
    5. difference
    6. distinction
    7. in different ways
    8. differently
    9. separately
    10. individually
  • gōng fēn公分

    1. centimeter
    2. gram
  • fēn shù分數 〔-数〕

    1. (exam) grade
    2. mark
    3. score
    4. fraction
  • fēn kāi分開 〔-开〕

    1. to separate
    2. to part
  • guò fèn過分 〔过-〕

    1. excessive
    2. undue
    3. overly
  • fēn shǒu分手

    1. to part company
    2. to split up
    3. to break up
  • shēn fèn身分

    1. variant of 身份[shēn fèn]