32 Results
  • dāng xià當下 〔当-〕

    1. immediately
    2. at once
    3. at that moment
    4. at the moment
  • wǔ zhuāng武裝 〔-装〕

    1. arms
    2. equipment
    3. to arm
    4. military
    5. armed (forces)
  • wǔ xiá武俠 〔-侠〕

    1. martial arts chivalry (Chinese literary, theatrical and cinema genre)
    2. knight-errant
  • xià yóu下游

    1. lower reaches (of a river)
    2. lower level
    3. lower echelon
    4. downstream
  • gǔ wǔ鼓舞

    1. heartening (news)
    2. to boost (morale)
    3. CL:個|个[gè]
  • xià shǒu下手

    1. to start
    2. to put one's hand to
    3. to set about
    4. the seat to the right of the main guest
  • wǔ dòng舞動 〔-动〕

    1. to move as in a dance
    2. to wave (some implement)
    3. to flourish
    4. (of eyes, hands etc) to dance
    5. to flutter
  • wǔ yì武藝 〔-艺〕

    1. martial art
    2. military skill
  • xià huài嚇壞 〔吓坏〕

    1. to be terrified
    2. to terrify sb
  • wǔ rǔ / wǔ rù侮辱

    1. to insult
    2. to humiliate
    3. dishonor
  • wǔ guān五官

    1. five sense organs of TCM (nose, eyes, lips, tongue, ears 鼻目口舌耳)
    2. facial features
  • xià dá下達 〔-达〕

    1. to transmit to lower levels
    2. to issue (a command, decree etc)
  • xià luò下落

    1. whereabouts
    2. to drop
    3. to fall
  • xià huá下滑

    1. to slide down (a slope etc)
    2. (fig.) to decline
  • xià liú下流

    1. lower course of a river
    2. low-class
    3. mean and lowly
    4. vulgar
    5. obscene
  • xià dú下毒

    1. to put poison in sth
    2. to poison
  • xià shǔ下屬 〔-属〕

    1. subordinate
    2. underling
  • jīng xià驚嚇 〔惊吓〕

    1. to frighten
    2. to horrify
    3. to terrify
  • bǐ xià筆下 〔笔-〕

    1. the wording and purport of what one writes
  • gāo xià高下

    1. relative superiority (better or worse, stronger or weaker, above or below etc)
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