174 Results
xià wǔ
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1. afternoon
2. CL:個|个[gè]
3. p.m.
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1. three
2. 3
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1. down
2. downwards
3. below
4. lower
5. later
6. next (week etc)
7. second (of two parts)
8. to decline
9. to go down
10. to arrive at (a decision, conclusion etc)
11. measure word to show the frequency of an action
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1. five
2. 5
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1. summer
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1. to dance
2. to wield
3. to brandish
嚇 〔吓〕
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1. to frighten
2. to scare
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1. squad of five soldiers
2. to associate with
3. five (banker's anti-fraud numeral)
nǚ ér
女兒 〔-儿〕
1. daughter
1. female
2. woman
3. daughter
xià yǔ
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1. to rain
yī xià zi
1. in a short while
2. all at once
3. all of a sudden
wǔ cān
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1. lunch
2. luncheon
3. CL:份[fèn],頓|顿[dùn],次[cì]
zhōng wǔ
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1. noon
2. midday
3. CL:個|个[gè]
tiào wǔ
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1. to dance
xià kè
下課 〔-课〕
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1. to finish class
2. to get out of class
3. (fig.) (esp. of a sports coach) to be dismissed
4. to be fired
shàng wǔ
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1. morning
2. CL:個|个[gè]
xià tiān
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1. summer
2. CL:個|个[gè]
nǚ shēng
1. schoolgirl
2. female student
3. girl
lǚ xíng / lǚ xìng
1. to travel
2. journey
3. trip
4. CL:趟[tàng],次[cì]
lǚ guǎn
旅館 〔-馆〕
1. hotel
2. CL:家[jiā]
liú xià
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1. to leave behind
2. to stay behind
3. to remain
4. to keep
5. not to let (sb) go
xià bān
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1. to finish work
2. to get off work
jiē xià lái
接下來 〔-来〕
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1. to accept
2. to take
3. next
4. following
yǐ xià
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1. that level or lower
2. that amount or less
3. the following
xià xuě
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1. to snow
nǚ xìng
1. woman
2. the female sex
lóu xià
樓下 〔楼-〕
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1. downstairs
shèng xià
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1. to remain
2. left over
tiān xià
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1. land under heaven
2. the whole world
3. the whole of China
4. realm
5. rule
wǔ qì
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1. weapon
2. arms
3. CL:種|种[zhǒng]
fù nǚ
婦女 〔妇-〕
1. woman
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1. not yet
2. did not
3. have not
4. not
5. 8th earthly branch: 1-3 p.m., 6th solar month (7th July-6th August), year of the Sheep
6. ancient Chinese compass point: 210°
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1. clique
2. school
3. group
4. faction
5. to dispatch
6. to send
7. to assign
8. to appoint
9. pi (Greek letter Ππ)
10. the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926
11. (loanword) pie
zǐ nǚ
1. children
2. sons and daughters
fàng xià
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1. to lay down
2. to put down
3. to let go of
4. to relinquish
5. to set aside
6. to lower (the blinds etc)
nǚ shì
1. lady
2. madam
3. CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
4. Miss
5. Ms
nǚ zǐ
1. woman
2. female
xià jiàng
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1. to decline
2. to drop
3. to fall
4. to go down
5. to decrease
sūn nǚ
孫女 〔孙-〕
1. son's daughter
2. granddaughter
lǚ yóu
旅遊 〔-游〕
1. trip
2. journey
3. tourism
4. travel
5. tour
6. to travel
dāng xià
當下 〔当-〕
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1. immediately
2. at once
3. at that moment
4. at the moment
shào nǚ
1. girl
2. young lady
wǔ dǎo / wǔ dào
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1. dance (performance art)
2. dancing
xià lìng
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1. to give an order
2. to command
shàng xià
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1. up and down
2. top and bottom
3. old and young
4. length
5. about
duì wǔ
隊伍 〔队-〕
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1. ranks
2. troops
3. queue
4. line
5. procession
6. CL:個|个[gè],支[zhī],條|条[tiáo]
xià qí
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1. to play chess
wǔ gōng
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1. martial art
2. military accomplishments
3. (Peking opera) martial arts feats
wǔ zhuāng
武裝 〔-装〕
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1. arms
2. equipment
3. to arm
4. military
5. armed (forces)
xià liè
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1. following
xià yī tiào
嚇一跳 〔吓-〕
1. startled
2. to frighten
3. scared out of one's skin
ér nǚ
兒女 〔儿-〕
1. children
2. sons and daughters
3. a young man and a young woman (in love)
lǚ chéng
1. journey
2. trip
xià ba
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1. chin
2. CL:個|个[gè]
wǔ xiá
武俠 〔-侠〕
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1. martial arts chivalry (Chinese literary, theatrical and cinema genre)
2. knight-errant
xià rén
嚇人 〔吓-〕
1. to scare
2. scary
3. frightening
bàn lǚ
伴侶 〔-侣〕
1. companion
2. mate
3. partner
shǒu xià
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1. under one's control or administration
2. subordinates
3. (money etc) on hand
4. sb's financial means
5. when taking action
xià chǎng
下場 〔-场〕
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1. to leave (the stage, an exam room, the playing field etc)
2. to take part in some activity
3. to take an examination (in the imperial examination system)
xià yóu
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1. lower reaches (of a river)
2. lower level
3. lower echelon
4. downstream
dì xià shì
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1. basement
2. cellar
xià rì
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1. summertime
wǔ yè
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1. midnight
xià diē / xià dié
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1. to fall
2. to tumble
zhǎng nǚ
長女 〔长-〕
1. eldest daughter
cì nǚ
1. second daughter
qíng lǚ
情侶 〔-侣〕
1. sweethearts
2. lovers
zhí nǚ
姪女 〔侄-〕
1. niece
2. brother's daughter
luò wǔ
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1. to fall behind the ranks
2. to be outdated
xià lìng yíng
夏令營 〔-营〕
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1. summer camp
gǔ wǔ
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1. heartening (news)
2. to boost (morale)
3. CL:個|个[gè]
xià shǒu
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1. to start
2. to put one's hand to
3. to set about
4. the seat to the right of the main guest
wǔ shì
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1. warrior
2. samurai
nǚ xu
1. daughter's husband
2. son-in-law
wǔ dòng
舞動 〔-动〕
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1. to move as in a dance
2. to wave (some implement)
3. to flourish
4. (of eyes, hands etc) to dance
5. to flutter
wǔ yì
武藝 〔-艺〕
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1. martial art
2. military skill
xià huài
嚇壞 〔吓坏〕
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1. to be terrified
2. to terrify sb
wǔ rǔ / wǔ rù
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1. to insult
2. to humiliate
3. dishonor
wǔ guān
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1. five sense organs of TCM (nose, eyes, lips, tongue, ears 鼻目口舌耳)
2. facial features
xià dá
下達 〔-达〕
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1. to transmit to lower levels
2. to issue (a command, decree etc)
xià luò
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1. whereabouts
2. to drop
3. to fall
xià huá
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1. to slide down (a slope etc)
2. (fig.) to decline
xià liú
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1. lower course of a river
2. low-class
3. mean and lowly
4. vulgar
5. obscene
xià dú
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1. to put poison in sth
2. to poison
xià shǔ
下屬 〔-属〕
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1. subordinate
2. underling
xiān nǚ
1. fairy
lǚ tú
1. journey
2. trip
wǔ yán liù sè
五顏六色 〔-颜六色〕
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1. multicolored
2. every color under the sun
wǔ huā bā mén
五花八門 〔-门〕
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1. myriad
2. all kinds of
3. all sorts of
gé xià
閣下 〔阁-〕
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1. your distinguished self
2. your majesty
3. sire
tuì wǔ
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1. to be discharged from military service
shū nǚ / shú nǚ
1. wise and virtuous woman
2. lady
jì nǚ
1. prostitute
2. hooker
jīng xià
驚嚇 〔惊吓〕
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1. to frighten
2. to horrify
3. to terrify
bǐ xià
筆下 〔笔-〕
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1. the wording and purport of what one writes
gāo xià
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1. relative superiority (better or worse, stronger or weaker, above or below etc)
fēi wǔ
飛舞 〔飞-〕
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1. to flutter
2. to dance in the breeze
bù xià
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1. troops under one's command
2. subordinate
zhèng wǔ
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1. midday
2. noon
3. noonday
qī wǔ
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1. to bully
shí xià
時下 〔时-〕
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1. at present
2. right now
qí xià
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1. under the banner of
wén wǔ
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1. civil and military
huī wǔ
揮舞 〔挥-〕
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1. to brandish
2. to wave sth
shǔ xià
屬下 〔属-〕
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1. subordinate
2. affiliated to
3. subsidiary
dī xià
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1. low status
2. lowly
3. to lower (one's head)
xià yì shí / xià yì shì
下意識 〔-识〕
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1. subconscious mind
yīng wǔ
鸚鵡 〔鹦鹉〕
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1. parrot
sēng lǚ
僧侶 〔-侣〕
1. monk
wǔ bù
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1. dance steps
wǔ shù
武術 〔-术〕
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1. military skill or technique (in former times)
2. all kinds of martial art sports (some claiming spiritual development)
3. self-defense
4. tradition of choreographed fights from opera and film (recent usage)
5. also called kungfu 功夫
6. CL:種|种[zhǒng]
wǔ lín
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1. martial arts (social) circles
wǔ duàn
武斷 〔-断〕
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1. arbitrary
2. subjective
3. dogmatic
wǔ jiàng
武將 〔-将〕
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1. general
2. military leader
3. fierce man
xià hu
嚇唬 〔吓-〕
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1. to scare
2. to frighten
wǔ jīn
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1. metal hardware (nuts and bolts)
2. the five metals: gold, silver, copper, iron and tin 金銀銅鐵錫|金银铜铁锡[jīn yín tóng tiě xī]
wǔ cǎi
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1. five (main) colors (white, black, red, yellow, and blue)
2. multicolored
xià fēng
下風 〔-风〕
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1. leeward
2. downwind
3. disadvantageous position
4. to concede or give way in an argument
xià zǎi / xià zài
下載 〔-载〕
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1. to download
2. also pr. [xià zài]
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